Submission Guidlines

OPEN EYES: Indian Journal of Social Science, Literature, Commerce & Allied Areas
ISSN: 2249-4332



Open Eyes: Indian Journal of Social Science, Literature, Commerce & Allied Areas’ is a bilingual multidisciplinary international refereed journal published biannually in June and December since 2003.

  • Official journal of the Sudhiranjan Lahiri Mahavidyalaya, Majdia, University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India. (
  • Covers key disciplines of Humanities and Social Sciences like Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Demography, Development studies, Literature as well as Commerce & Management.
  • Open to original research articles as well as scholarly review papers.
  • Strives to bring new research insights into the process of development from an interdisciplinary perspective.
  • Prospective authors will have to follow styles mentioned in the ‘Journal Guidelines’ given in the inner leaf of the back cover page of this journal or in the website.

Advisory & Editorial Board


Professor (Dr.) Tapodhir Bhattacharya, Eminent Author & Ex-Vice Chancelor, Assam University

 Professor (Dr.) Barun Kumar Chakroborty, Emeritus Professor, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata    

&  former Professor, University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India.

Professor (Dr.) Apurba Kumar Chattopadhyay,  Department of Economics & Politics, Visva-Bharati 

(A Central University), West Bengal, India.

Professor (Dr.) Jadab Krishna Das, Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India.

Professor (Dr.) Samirranjan Adhikari, Department of Education, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University,

 Purulia, West Bengal

Professor (Dr.) Md. Mizanur Rahman,  Department of English, Islamic University, Kushtia, 


Dr. Biswajit Mohapatra, Department of Political Science, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, 

Meghalaya, India.

Professor (Dr.) Paramita Saha, Department of Economics, Tripura University (A Central University), 


 Dr. Prasad Serasinghe, Department of Economics, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.




Dr. Dipankar Ghosh

Executive Editors:

 Dr. Bhabesh Majumder (

 Shubhaiyu Chakraborty (

Publisher: Sudhiranjan Lahiri Mahavidyalaya, Majdia, University of Kalyani, WB-741507.

Journal Guidelines

Submission of Manuscript

All papers must be submitted to

The corresponding author will get a reply in a return mail. After an initial evaluation, the paper will be sent out for external peer review. While Open Eyes aims to notify authors of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision within three months of submission, the high volume of submissions and demands on referees may not always permit attaining this target evaluation and peer review timeline. Nevertheless, Open Eyes aims to have manuscripts reviewed within six months.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

This journal is committed to upholding the integrity of the scientific record. The journal will follow the COPE guidelines on how to deal with potential acts of misconduct. Articles submitted for publication must be original, not published previously, and not being considered for publication elsewhere.

No Requirement of Publication Fee

Open Eyes does not require payment from authors to publish their papers in the journal. All submissions undergo the same rigorous process of evaluation and peer review. articles are downloadable in PDF format at no cost.

Scope of Publication

Open Eyes publishes papers related to the areas of Social Sciences, Commerce and Humanities

Indexing & Archiving

Google Scholar

Research Gate

Open Eyes Style Guide

Submission Format

Articles must be in Bengal or in English (British) with the content arranged as follows:

The first page of the article should contain title of the article; author's complete name, affiliation, and address (omit social titles). Also include an abstract (maximum of 300 words) and Keywords. 

The main text will not carry the name of the author and will constitute separate word file. For references use MLA style (8th ed.) (Author-date format).

The length of each article must not exceed 6,000 words. References should be limited to literature cited only in the main text. The manuscript must be submitted as an MS Word file, font size 12, typed 1.5 spaces on A4 paper setting.

Tables, Figures

Each table and figure (accompanied by the original tabulated data) must be on a separate sheet of paper, numbered in order, and placed at the end of the article. To facilitate layout and typesetting, the editable files of the tables and figures will be required when a paper is accepted for publication.

Text for tables should not be smaller than 9 points. Scanned or digital photos should be of high resolution (minimum of 300 dpi).